Frankly speaking, chiropractors are rare to find. They are not in as much abundance as doctors or massage therapists, and many people have no clue that they even exist. The art of chiropractic is hard to master and becoming a professional is no easy deal. If you are a Chiropractor, the best method to gain more clients is to advertise chiropractic ads. There is no other way around it, and you have to advertise in order to gain a client-base.
As we know, most people don’t even know about chiropractors and what they are capable of doing, thus the best bet is to advertise on Facebook and Google. Facebook, because a majority of the American population spend much time on social media sites like Facebook. And when it comes to social media, no one is as popular as Facebook. On the other hand, the people who actually know about Chiropractors are going to give it a search on Google, thus to advertise Chiropractic ads on AdWords is wise advice.
Facebook is flexible in its controls, and give its clients (you) much power over who you want to influence. So, using Facebook ad controls you can decide who would see your ads, and obviously, you can make sure that only people from your region would see them. Also, when it comes to the advertisement itself, it is important to make it catchy and compelling. People lack the Knowledge of chiropractic techniques and their scope, thus your ads should mention the extent of your services and how you can help the clients.
In psychology, it is called weasel phrasing. Making statements in a way that would help the client “feel” the benefits. So, now we have compiled a list of 10 attractive ad copies for chiropractic ads, so you won’t have to spend hours affront the computer screen thinking about how to make a catchy advertisement.
Here are 10 Chiropractic ads Samples for You!
Ad Copy 1:
Primary Text: Free Chiropractic Evaluation and Adjustment will help heal your body in minutes. Call us today to book your first session for free (Number)
Heading: Back Problems? Pain in the Body? Feeling Unhealthy?
Ad Copy 2:
Primary Text: Discover how chiropractic treatment can restore mobility and relieve numbness and pain in your body. Get rid of Sciatica too. Book your First sessions with (Name): (Number)
Heading: Sciatica and Lower Back Pain Treatment!
Ad Copy 3:
Primary Text: What life does to your body, we undo. Dr. X will examine your pain and do all the required adjustments for only $19. Feel the power of Chiropractic treatment: (Number)
Heading: Get Back Pain Relief for only $19!
Ad Copy 4:
Primary Text: Back and neck pain can make it impossible to get out of bed, or even stand for an extended period of time. We offer consultation, exam, adjustment, and X-ray for only $25. Make sure to visit us at (Address)
Heading: Meet Dr. X, the professional Chiropractor of your town.
Ad Copy 5:
Primary Text: Tired of back pain and soreness around your body? Are you unable to pick things up without that “Crack”? Do you want relief from that miserable Sciatica? Call us today to book an appointment with DR. X for a professional Chiropractic adjustment and healing. Free examinations to the first 15 callers. (Number)
Heading: First 15 to Call us will get a free Chiropractic adjustment.
Ad Copy 6:
Primary Text: With more than 25 years of experience, and countless happy and satisfied patients, Dr. X; the Chiropractic Expert are now in (Name of Area). Mobility issues, back pain and neck pain, headaches. Let us take care of all that. Call now at (Number)
Heading: Suffering from sudden or chronic pain? We’ll help you get control.
Ad Copy 7:
Primary Text: Flexible appointment times. Massage plus Chiropractic Treatment. Book online or call us (Number).
Heading: Chiropractor in (Area) | Enjoy your days pain-free | (Name)
Ad Copy 8:
Primary Text: Relax and Book an appointment with (Clinic Name) to get 15 minutes free of cost consultation session with the most professional Chiropractor in Town. Back pain. Neck pain. Body Soreness. We got this. (Number)
Heading: Spine and Sports Injury Care | Chiropractic Treatment
Ad Copy 9:
Primary Text: Schedule an appointment today and improve your well-being with chiropractic care, decompression therapy, laser treatment, and physiotherapy. (Contact Information)
Heading: Only $49 Initial Exam and First Treatment – Chiropractors
Ad Copy 10:
Primary Text: Chiropractic Treatment is better than any massage therapy that you can get addicted to. (Name) would help you get the relief you deserve in as low as $22. Book an appointment today. (Number)
Heading: Don’t risk Addiction! Choose Chiropractic Care First.
The data is here now, and it is up to you how well you use it. These ads are made to attract more clients and build a reputation. Ask every successful patient to leave a review on your website or Facebook page, and that would help drastically.
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