When an individual or a lot of people are searching for a house to buy, this is a big responsibility and people always are too careful while making a decision in this reference and people always give great and massive attention to different ads. Now, ads are the most basic and prior way in selecting a house and the more charming; an ad is, the more people will attract towards it.
Most of the times, people fail to make a brief and terse ad of services and product but, never forget making ads to upload on platforms like Facebook and Google are a big task to do. Because the first approach of people will these. The catchier your ad is, the more audience it will attract.
So, when you are selling an ad of a house, it must be descriptive; explaining all the qualities of the house, it should be defining the product more quietly and precisely. The product must define all the factors of the house:
- Highlighting the benefits of owning a house.
- Mentioning the location of the house and its surroundings.
- Pictures of houses
- Showing the house map
- Explaining the room’s structure etc.
All these factors should be mentioned properly and the ad will catch the attraction of hundreds of audiences and will be used properly. The following 10 ad copies for home buyers are mentioned below will help you fulfill your requirements, whereas if you feel like changing or modifying this ad, you can make them according to your priorities.
Here are 10 Ads Samples for Home Buyers
Ad Copy 1:
Primary Text: A house of your dreams, a house that buys you happiness and gives you peace. Just buy this home now and start living a luxurious and peaceful life in your own Eden. Call us now and visit our office to buy this house for you. (Ph. Number).
Heading: Stunning Luxury House in (Location)
Ad Copy 2:
Primary Text: A house is a place where one can live comfortably and can roam freely here and there. Never once in life, people think of not living without one’s property. So, buy now what is yours in this world and which house is written in your fate. Visit our office now and book flats starting from (Price) in (Location).
Heading: Do not miss out on these flats – Booking at (Price)
Ad Copy 3:
Primary Text: If you are working hard in office day and night to make your family happy then, the solution is here, Collect all the money all at once and buy them a house to bring them together. The booking of our houses is now happening. Contact us or visit our office now. (Phone Number & Location).
Heading: Keep your whole family together in – (Location)
Ad Copy 4:
Primary Text: Tooexhaustedof shifting? We have sorted it out for you already. You do not have to worry now, just pre-book an apartment and you do not have to manage it because we have that work done for you. Buy now in (Location), or contact us we are available for you (Number).
Heading: Save money by buying our furnished houses- starting (Price)
Ad Copy 5:
Primary Text: Want a single-story house with a rooftop, we have that for you. Stop overthinking already and grab the phone and reach out to our website or visit our office now, in (location) or you can also contact us to ask about the info. Never miss out on any update. Call now (Phone Number).
Heading: Need a single-story house? In (Location)
Ad Copy 6:
Primary Text: Tired of paying the rent of your house. We are unlocking the door to your dream house in (Location). Our houses start at (Pricing). It is really convenient as you can pay in installments to us. Never hesitate, when your dreams call you out loud. Visit our office in – (Location).
Heading: Unlocking the door to your dream house.
Ad Copy 7:
Primary Text: Starting from exclusive low prices, you can have your own home in (Location), a beautiful place, and now call us or visit the booking office. (Location & Number).
Heading: An exclusive package for your house – In (Location)
Ad Copy 8:
Primary Text: Be yourself, be the owner of the splendid house. Call us now. (Phone Number)
Heading: Splendid Homes, Be free. – Professionally made houses (Location)
Ad Copy 9:
Primary Text: ️ House is always the comfort zone of a person or family. Call us now and book heaven for you. Or visit our office in (Location).
Heading: Your House, your heaven.
Ad Copy 10:
Primary Text: Always wanted to see sunrises and sunsets from your place? It never is too late for it. Book your apartment right now and get a discount of (%). Call us now, (Number).
Heading: Perfect environment to live in.
We hope that you liked the ad copies and will give us positive feedback. Because we are here to help you out in your goods and bad and help you make a large number of audiences through your ads. Copy Paste the ad and modify it according to your preferences.
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